Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Sacrifice, Patriarchy, Women, and Men

Just saw a study that said 90% of men will leave their partner if their partner is diagnosed with a long-term illness, and 10% of women do. It may seem surprising, but I don't really think it is. I've actually been thinking about what women sacrifice for their families that men don't, recently and have come to this conclusion:

A woman sacrifices her body for her children, and she risks her life for them. Every pregnancy is a risk on the mothers life. Every single one. No man can say this. No man can comprehend this. 

A woman sacrifices her wants for her families needs. The covid shutdown of 2020 showed this. Everyone stayed home, but more often than not, it was the woman who picked up the slack. It was the mother who ensured the children stayed the course with education. To the expense of her own job, her own health.

In a less dramatic way, most women sacrifice what they want in life for the peace of the family. She wants to go out? Better find a sitter. It comes down to the woman. Almost every time.

Patriarchy makes a man think he is incapable of  sacrifice. Or, maybe it's that it sets a man up to be incapable of sacrifice. It certainly sets a woman up to sacrifice pretty much anything and everything for a man. So, who does patriarchy serve? No one. Not a single human. But because it is so engrained in our culture, it is deemed that the man is strong, tough, capable and the woman is the weaker sex. But, just like in the movie Steel Magnolia's- in the end, it's the woman who remains. Tough, capable, and alone.

Down with the patriarchy.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

whatever happened to peace?

Sitting in the backseat of the car. We're traveling home for our annual pilgrimage to Illinois, my youngest son is in the driver's seat this shift. As I sit here, I scroll through Facebook and am assaulted with images of ministers I went to school with and their guns, their wives in NRA t-shirts carrying NRA mugs. 
Memes talking about the second amendment rights everywhere, and "liked" by others I used to think I knew. 
Whatever happened to Jesus being the Prince of peace? Whatever happened to laying down our swords and carrying the cross of Christ?  
What has happened to Christianity? I don't recognize this form. I hate it. I am saddened by it. And it does noting but push me further away from them.

Monday, June 20, 2022

I can no longer associate...

 I grew up in a conservative church. I was taught the Bible was literally true. I learned "I'll be a sunbeam for Him..." "Jesus loves me..." and that a wise man "builds his house on the rock." I grew up learning that Jesus loved the least of these, that taking care of the poor was our obligation as a Christian. I remember learning about missionaries who went to bring Jesus to the poor masses who didn't even have 1 church in their whole country! (It didn't matter that there were plenty of churches in those other lands, because if they weren't members of our particular brand, were they even truly Christians?).

My point is, I believed it. I believed the words of Jesus when he gave his sermon on the Mount that the meek shall inherit the earth. I believed it when James taught us that "true religion that is blameless before God is to visit the widows and orphans and take care of them in their distress." 

Confession: I still believe that. I believe that Jesus was teaching us in the parable of the Good Samaritan that it is our job to help, not to question. It is our job to heal, not to hurt. But something happened along the way....

Something has happened to this "church" I thought I knew. It's become cold and hard. It's become fearful of the world. It's gone from following Christ to following political leaders. It's gone from giving to Ceasar what is Ceasars, to questioning which Ceasar, and never leaning into God for wisdom. There are so many rationalizations out there. God Guns and America has overtaken "In as much as you've done it to the least of these..." The sermons are loud, the accuasations are plenty. And I feel like, somewhere along the way I blinked and lost sight.

My heart hurts for it. I am not sure the Church in N. America, or my heart, will ever recover.

The Church I thought I knew is gone. I don't think she will ever come back.